Thursday, July 31, 2014, Baltimore, MD: Our luck holds out. I am afraid to put the hex on us. Three times we have run the Jersey Shore on the outside (there is no inside in NJ, just a lot of skinny water) and Delaware Bay. Both can be nasty for no particular reason than the wind being wrong or running against a wicked tide in the bay with no place to hide. It turns out to be an ideal 160 nM ride mostly with tidal boosts and wind on the bum, too.

Friday, July 25, 2014 (Sag to Port Washington, NY): Say good-bye to Mr. Chips! We cast off at 08:00 any backtrack to Plum Gut. The journey to Port Washington is around 100 NM through Long Island Sound. Blackthorn knows the way and the day is flat calm except for the large ferry that stirs up a ruckus. Once up on their foils they fly, literally, across the water.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 (Block Island to Sag Harbor): We did not want to leave Block but we had lots more ports, places to go, and people to see. Our destination is the Sag Harbor Yacht Club, a strong recommendation by friends Judy and Mike. We depart around 08:30 for the 45 NM trip down to Sag Harbor in the middle of "The Hamptons" at the eastern end of Long Island. We plan an intermediate stop in Greenport

Tuesday, July 22, 2015 (Martha's Vineyard to Block Island): As we leave the Black Dog Wharf, we reflect on our week on the Vineyard. Today, our destination is Block Island, RI, 45 nM southwest. The weather starts out murky and rainy off and on but without wind in the harbor. We are getting accustomed to the gloom. The forecast is for improvement as we proceed south. At 08:30 the heavy rain clouds shroud the old schooner riding on a mooring next to us.