Day 263, January 9, 2013 (Islamorada, FL): Yep! We’re still here but never fear. We will move on. We meant to do it, today, but it is blowing like stink. We decided to give it one more day. We are tired of Keys kitch and grumpy dock staff. They are making me grumpy. I think we will venture out tomorrow if the wind is not too outrageous. We have an intro to Ocean Reef Club and plan to enjoy the class that we deserve!!

Here are a few pics from our sojourn at Holiday Isle.

African Gray at Theater of the Sea, a worthwhile half day in Islamorada.


Reproving pellie overlooking our boat. Thank heavens the wrong end is pointed the wrong way.


Iggy on the sidewalk. A face only a mother could love.


Atlantic bottlenose dolphin giving us the eye.


Captain Joe is getting ready to inspect the zincs, drives, bottom. After 6,000 miles of travel we have acquired a few prop dings and wore some bottom paint off of the bow where we put it on the beach.


Kite boarders taking advantage of 30 knots out in the channel where the water is not too stirred up behind the reef.